A downloadable Intro Adventure

The colony of Brambletown is preparing for wintertime but word just arrived that their storehouse is empty, empty of the grain and cheese that is. It is now teeming with ghosts and a group of mushroom farming rat bandits. The mayor is in desperate need of a group of brave mice to restore order. His true motivation, however, is the retrieval of his priceless art collection. He is willing to pay 500 pips for the safe return of his prized horde. There is a catch, something he does not disclose. Will the secret be kept and the kinship spoiled or will the mystery be solved and the kinship kept intact as the secret is spoiled?

secrets kept. KINSHIP SPOILED is an introductory adventure for 3-5 mice.

This adventure introduce new factions, creatures, items, and conditions. For everything not mentioned, use the Mausritter core rules for this adventure site. 

Included in this adventure site:

  • 3 new factions the deal with
  • a new beast to battle
  • 2 new items to discover
  • a new condition to experience
  • a 16 room dungeon to explore
  • hooks for future campaigns

secrets kept. KINSHIP SPOILED. Is an independent production of ManaDawn Tabletop games and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third-party license. 

Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

Artwork is by Fernando Salvaterra and Felipe da Silva Faria and is used with permission. Layout is from Brian Stauffer's A5 Trifold template. Dungeon rooms inspired by the Mausritter Adventure Site generator.


secrets kept KINSHP SPOILED [A5 Trifold].pdf 4.9 MB
secrets kept KINSHIP SPOILED [Digital Spreads].pdf 4.9 MB
Player Facing Map.pdf 27 MB

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